Day 8: Docker Basics

Day 8: Docker Basics

Learning points:

🔹 What is Containerization? – How containers differ from virtual machines and why they are beneficial.
🔹 Docker Terminology – Image (template), Container (running instance), Dockerfile, Docker Hub (image registry).
🔹 Docker Architecture – Understanding the client-server model, Docker Engine, and Docker Daemon.
🔹 Working with Containers – Running, stopping, removing containers, mapping ports.
🔹 Building Docker Images – Writing Dockerfile, adding dependencies, and optimizing images.


What is Virtualisation & Containerisation? by Sandip Das - Click Here
Mastering Docker: A Comprehensive Guide from Basics to Advanced by Sandip Das - Click Here

Initial Tasks:

Task 1: Install Docker on your system (Installation Guide).
Task 2: Verify Docker installation by running: docker run hello-world

Task 3: Run an Nginx web server container: docker run -d -p 80:80 nginx Open http://localhost in a browser to verify it's working.

Task 4: Learn basic Docker commands:

  • List running containers: docker ps

  • List all containers: docker ps -a

  • View Docker images: docker images

Task 5: Explore Docker Hub ( and search for official images


Challenge 1: Write a simple Dockerfile that runs a Python script using an official base image (python:3.9) or serves a static HTML page using Nginx

Step 1: Create a Python file ( - flask application

from flask import Flask

app = Flask(__name__)

def home():
    return "Hello from Flask inside Docker!"

if __name__ == "__main__":'', port=5000)

Step 2: Create a docker file (Dockerfile)

# Use lightweight Python base image
FROM python:3.9-slim

# Set working directory

# Copy only necessary files first (helps with caching)
COPY requirements.txt ./

# Install dependencies
RUN pip install --no-cache-dir -r requirements.txt

# Copy the rest of the app

# Expose Flask port

# Run the Flask app
CMD ["python", ""]

Challenge 2: Build a Docker image from your Dockerfile and tag it with a version (docker build -t myapp:v1 .).

Step 1: Build the Dockerfile

docker build -t myapp:v1 .

Step 2: check the image using “docker images” command

docker images

Challenge 3: Run a container from your custom image, map necessary ports, and test the app.

docker run -d -p 5000:5000 --name mypythonapp myapp:v1

Step 1: Check the running container

Step 2: Check the Output - localhost on port 5000

Challenge 4: Push your custom Docker image to Docker Hub

Step 1: Log in to Docker Hub

  • Enter your Docker Hub username and password when prompted.
docker login

Step 2: Tag the Image for Docker Hub

docker tag myapp:v1 your-dockerhub-username/myapp:v1

Step 3: Push the Image to Docker Hub

docker push your-dockerhub-username/myapp:v1

Step 4: Verify the Pushed Image

  • Go to Docker Hub and check if the image is available.

Challenge 5: Use docker exec -it <container_id> bash to enter a running container and explore it.

Step 1: Run a Docker Container

Step 2: Enter the Running Container

  • Use the docker exec command to access the container's shell:
docker exec -it mypythonapp sh

Step 3: Explore the Container

Once inside, you can run commands to explore the container.

Challenge 6: Run a detached container (-d flag), restart it, and check logs (docker logs <container_id>).

Step 1: Run a Container in Detached Mode

docker run -d -p 5000:5000 --name flaskdetached myapp:v1

Step 2: Check Running Containers

docker ps

🚀 Learning Points from This Challenge

  1. Using a Lightweight Base Image

    • Instead of python:3.9, using python:3.9-slim reduces image size and improves security.
  2. Ensuring Flask Binds to the Correct IP

    • Flask should bind to inside the container, or it won’t be accessible externally.
  3. Proper Dockerfile Structuring

    • Copy requirements.txt first, install dependencies, then copy the rest → efficient caching.
  4. Understanding Container Lifecycle

    • A container may exit immediately if dependencies are missing or Flask is misconfigured.
  5. Exposing and Mapping Ports Correctly

    • Use EXPOSE 5000 in Dockerfile, then -p 5000:5000 when running the container.
  6. Debugging Containers Like a Pro

    • Check logs (docker logs <container_id>) if the container exits unexpectedly.

    • Use docker exec -it <container_id> sh to enter a running container.

  7. Pushing Images to Docker Hub

    • Tag and push images to share and deploy them anywhere easily.

🔹 Useful Docker Commands & Their Explanations

docker build -t myapp:v1 .Build a Docker image from the current directory.
docker run -d -p 5000:5000 --name myapp myapp:v1Run the container in detached mode and map ports.
docker psList running containers.
docker ps -aList all containers (including stopped ones).
docker logs myappCheck logs of the running container.
docker exec -it myapp shEnter a running container's shell.
docker stop myappStop a running container.
docker rm myappRemove a stopped container.
docker rmi myapp:v1Remove a Docker image.
docker tag myapp:v1 mydockerhub/myapp:v1Tag an image before pushing to Docker Hub.
docker push mydockerhub/myapp:v1Push the image to Docker Hub.
docker network pruneClean up unused Docker networks.