Day 2: Linux Shell Scripting & Automation

Day 2: Linux Shell Scripting & Automation

Table of contents

Initial Tasks:

Install a Package: Install Git (sudo apt install git or sudo yum install git).
Check Network Connectivity: Use ping to verify internet connectivity.
Fetch a Web Page: Run curl to retrieve HTML content.
Explore Processes: Use ps -ef to view running processes and find a specific process.
Terminate a Process: Identify a process ID (PID) and kill it using kill -9 <PID>.
Use top/htop: Monitor real-time CPU/memory usage.


Advanced Shell Scripting Knowledge: Click here to watch the Shell Scripting video by Sandip Das.

Challenge 1: Write a simple Bash script that prints “Hello DevOps” along with the current date and time

Goal: Learn how to print text and fetch the current date/time in Bash.


echo "Hello DevOps, the current date and time is: $(date)"

Explanation of the Script:

  • echo → Prints the given message.

  • $(date) → Fetches the current date and time.

Challenge 2: Create a script that checks if a website (e.g., is reachable using curl or ping. Print a success or failure message.

Goal: Learn to check website availability using network commands.




# Check website using curl
if curl -Is "$URL" --max-time 5 | grep "HTTP/"; then
    echo "✅ $URL is reachable (HTTP check passed)."
    echo "⚠️ HTTP check failed. Checking with ping..."

    # Check website using ping
    if ping -c 3 "$HOST" &> /dev/null; then
        echo "✅ $HOST is reachable via ping."
        echo "❌ $HOST is unreachable via both HTTP and ping."

Explanation of the Script:

  1. URL="" & HOST=""
  • Defines the website URL for curl and the hostname for ping.
  1. curl -Is "$URL" --max-time 5 | grep "HTTP/"
  • curl -Is → Sends a request and prints only the response headers.

  • --max-time 5 → Limits the request timeout to 5 seconds.

  • grep "HTTP/" → Checks if the response contains an HTTP status (e.g., 200 OK).

  1. if condition (HTTP Check)
  • If curl finds a valid HTTP response, prints:
    "$URL is reachable (HTTP check passed)."

  • Otherwise, prints a warning and proceeds to ping.

  1. ping -c 3 "$HOST" &> /dev/null
  • ping -c 3 → Sends 3 packets to check reachability.

  • &> /dev/null → Hides output, only showing success/failure.

  1. Final if condition (Ping Check)
  • If ping succeeds, prints:
    "$HOST is reachable via ping."

  • If both curl and ping fail, prints:
    "$HOST is unreachable via both HTTP and ping."

Challenge 3: Write a script that takes a filename as an argument, checks if it exists, and prints the content of the file accordingly.

Goal: Work with file arguments and condition checking in Bash.




# Check if the file exists
if [ -f "$FILENAME" ]; then
    echo "📄 File '$FILENAME' exists. Here is its content:"
    cat "$FILENAME"
    echo "⚠️ File '$FILENAME' does not exist."


  • FILENAME="$1" → Stores the first argument as the filename.

  • if [ -f "$FILENAME" ] → Checks if the file exists and is a regular file.

  • cat "$FILENAME" → If the file exists, prints its content.

  • Else condition → If the file does not exist, prints a warning.

Challenge 4: Create a script that lists all running processes and writes the output to a file named process_list.txt.

Goal: Learn to list processes and write output to a file.



ps aux > "$OUTPUT_FILE"
echo "✅ Process list saved to $OUTPUT_FILE"


  • OUTPUT_FILE="process_list.txt" → Defines the output file name.

  • ps aux > "$OUTPUT_FILE" → Captures all running processes and writes them to the file.

  • echo "✅ Process list saved to $OUTPUT_FILE" → Confirms successful execution.

Challenge 5: Write a script that installs multiple packages at once (e.g., git, vim, curl). The script should check if each package is already installed before attempting installation.

Goal: Automate package installation while avoiding redundant installs.



PACKAGES=("git" "vim" "curl")

for package in "${PACKAGES[@]}"; do
    if ! command -v "$package" &> /dev/null; then
        echo "📦 Installing $package..."
        sudo apt-get install -y "$package"
        echo "✅ $package is already installed."

echo "Done!"


  1. PACKAGES=("git" "vim" "curl")
  • Defines a list of packages that need to be installed.
  1. for package in "${PACKAGES[@]}"
  • Loops through each package in the list.
  1. command -v "$package" &> /dev/null
  • command -v → Checks if the package is installed.

  • &> /dev/null → Hides any output to keep it clean.

  1. if ! command -v "$package" &> /dev/null; then
  • If the package is not installed, proceed with installation.
  1. echo "📦 Installing $package..."
  • Prints a message to indicate the package installation.
  1. sudo apt-get install -y "$package"
  • sudo → Runs the command with administrative privileges.

  • apt-get install -y → Installs the package without asking for confirmation.

  1. else echo "✅ $package is already installed."
  • If the package is already installed, prints a confirmation message.
  1. echo " Done!"
  • Displays a final message after completing the loop.

Challenge 6: Create a script that monitors CPU and memory usage every 5 seconds and logs the results to a file.

Goal: Learn how to capture system resource usage continuously.




echo "Starting system monitoring... (Logs will be saved in $LOG_FILE)"
echo "Timestamp        | CPU (%) | Memory (%)" > "$LOG_FILE"

while true; do
    TIMESTAMP=$(date +"%Y-%m-%d %H:%M:%S")

    CPU_USAGE=$(top -bn1 | grep "Cpu(s)" | awk '{print $2 + $4}')
    MEM_USAGE=$(free | awk '/Mem/ {printf "%.2f", $3/$2 * 100}')

    echo "$TIMESTAMP |  $CPU_USAGE   |   $MEM_USAGE" >> "$LOG_FILE"

    sleep 5


  1. LOG_FILE="system_monitor.log"
  • Defines the log file where system usage will be stored.
  1. echo "Timestamp | CPU (%) | Memory (%)" > "$LOG_FILE"
  • Writes the column headers to the log file.
  1. while true; do
  • Starts an infinite loop to continuously monitor system stats.
  1. TIMESTAMP=$(date +"%Y-%m-%d %H:%M:%S")
  • Gets the current timestamp for logging.
  1. CPU_USAGE=$(top -bn1 | grep "Cpu(s)" | awk '{print $2 + $4}')
  • top -bn1 → Runs top once in batch mode.

  • grep "Cpu(s)" → Extracts CPU usage details.

  • awk '{print $2 + $4}' → Adds user and system CPU usage.

  1. MEM_USAGE=$(free | awk '/Mem/ {printf "%.2f", $3/$2 * 100}')
  • free → Gets memory usage details.

  • awk '/Mem/ {printf "%.2f", $3/$2 * 100}' → Calculates used memory percentage.

  • Logs CPU and memory usage with timestamp into the log file.
  1. sleep 5
  • Waits 5 seconds before running the next check.

Challenge 7: Write a script that automatically deletes log files older than 7 days from /var/log.

Goal: Learn to automate file cleanup.



#Better Version (If you want logging, flexibility, and automation) 

find "$LOG_DIR" -type f -name "*.log" -mtime +$DAYS -exec rm -f {} \;
echo "Deleted log files older than $DAYS days from $LOG_DIR"

                 (   OR   )

#Simple version (If you need a quick cleanup)
find /var/log -type f -mtime +7 -exec rm -f {} \;


  1. LOG_DIR="/var/log" → Specifies the directory where logs are stored.

  2. DAYS=7 → Defines the age limit for deletion (logs older than 7 days will be removed).

  3. find "$LOG_DIR" -type f -name "*.log" -mtime +$DAYS -exec rm -f {} \;

    • find "$LOG_DIR" → Searches in /var/log.

    • -type f → Only looks for files (not directories).

    • -name "*.log" → Targets log files ending with .log.

    • -mtime +$DAYS → Selects files older than 7 days.

    • -exec rm -f {} \; → Deletes each matched file.

  4. echo "Deleted log files older than $DAYS days from $LOG_DIR"

  • Prints a confirmation message after deletion.

Challenge 8: Automate user account creation – Write a script that takes the username as an argument, checks, if the user exists, gives the message “user already exists“ else creates a new user, adds it to a “devops“ group, and sets up a default home directory.

Goal: Automate user management in Linux.



if [ -z "$1" ]; then
    echo "❌ Usage: $0 <username>"
    exit 1


if id "$USERNAME" &>/dev/null; then
    echo "✅ User '$USERNAME' already exists."
    sudo useradd -m -s /bin/bash -G "$GROUP" "$USERNAME"

    if id "$USERNAME" &>/dev/null; then
        echo "User '$USERNAME' created successfully and added to the '$GROUP' group."
        echo "❌ Failed to create user '$USERNAME'."


  1. if [ -z "$1" ]; then
  • Checks if a username argument is provided.

  • If not, prints usage instructions and exits.

  1. USERNAME="$1" & GROUP="devops"
  • Stores the username from the command-line argument.

  • Sets the default group to devops.

  1. if id "$USERNAME" &>/dev/null; then
  • id "$USERNAME" → Checks if the user already exists.

  • &>/dev/null → Suppresses the output.

  • If the user exists, it prints a message and exits.

  1. sudo useradd -m -s /bin/bash -G "$GROUP" "$USERNAME"
  • sudo useradd → Runs with admin privileges to create a user.

  • -m → Creates a home directory (/home/username).

  • -s /bin/bash → Sets Bash as the default shell.

  • -G "$GROUP" → Adds the user to the devops group.

  1. if id "$USERNAME" &>/dev/null; then
  • Checks if the user was created successfully and prints a confirmation message.

Challenge 9: Use awk or sed in a script to process a log file and extract only error messages.

Goal: Learn to filter and process text using awk and sed.



awk 'tolower($0) ~ /error|failed|critical/' /var/log/syslog > error_logs.txt


  • awk ' tolower($0) ~ /error|failed|critical/' → Converts each line to lowercase and searches for "error", "failed", or "critical" (case-insensitive).

  • > error_logs.txt → Saves output to a file.

Challenge 10: Set up a cron job that runs a script to back up (zip/tar) a directory daily.

Goal: Automate backups using cron jobs.


crontab -e #run directly on terminal

Add the following line:

#run directly on terminal
0 2 * * * tar -czf /backup/home_backup_$(date +\%Y-\%m-\%d).tar.gz /home/user


  1. 0 2 * * * → Schedule the Cron Job
  • 0 → Minute (0th minute)

  • 2 → Hour (2 AM)

  • * * * → Runs daily (every day, every month, every weekday)

  1. tar -czf → Create a Compressed Backup
  • tar → Archive utility to bundle files

  • -c → Create a new archive

  • -z → Compress using gzip (.tar.gz format)

  • -f → Specify the output file

  1. /backup/home_backup_$(date +\%Y-\%m-\%d).tar.gz → Filename with Date
  • /backup/home_backup_ → Backup location and file prefix

  • $(date +\%Y-\%m-\%d) → Generates a date (YYYY-MM-DD)

  • Example: /backup/home_backup_2025-02-27.tar.gz

  1. /home/user → Directory to Backup
  • Specifies the directory /home/user to be backed up

💡Bonus Challenge: Customize your Bash prompt to display the current user and working directory. (Hint: export PS1="\u@\h:\w$ "), try to make it permanent, so terminal closing and opening don’t default!

Goal: Personalize and persist Bash prompt settings.

Commands Used:

#Open the ~/.bashrc file using vi 
vi ~/.bashrc

#Add this line in bashrc file
export PS1="\u@\h:\w\$ "

#save and exit from the editor and apply the changes
source ~/.bashrc


  • \u@\h:\w → Displays username, hostname, and working directory.

  • $ (for normal users) or # (for root)

📚 Topics Covered Today

Basic Shell Commands – Navigating directories (cd), listing files (ls), viewing and creating files (cat, touch).
Filesystem Hierarchy – Understanding Linux directory structures (/etc, /var, /home, /bin, /usr).
File Permissions & Ownership – Using chmod, chown, ls -l to manage read, write, execute (rwx).
User & Group Management – Creating users (useradd), modifying groups (usermod, groupadd, passwd).
File & Directory Operations – Creating, modifying, moving, and searching files (find, du, ls, awk, sort, grep).
Process & System Monitoring – Checking running processes (ps), CPU/memory usage (top, free, htop), killing processes (kill, pkill).
Automation & Scheduling – Setting up cron jobs (crontab -e), writing simple Bash scripts.
Networking Basics – Checking connectivity (ping, curl, wget).
Package Management – Installing, updating, and removing software (apt, yum, dnf, pacman).
Disk Management – Checking disk usage (df -h, du -sh).
Log File Analysis – Viewing system logs (tail -f /var/log/syslog), extracting errors (grep 'error' /var/log/syslog).